Low Cholesterol Diet
I recommend that you adhere to a low-cholesterol diet. Guidelines to follow are to refrain from having butter, margarine, eggs, beef, fried food, oils (with the exception of olive oil), and remove the skin from turkey, chicken, and fish. You may use egg whites liberally and substitute apple sauce for oils in cooking deserts. When you read labels, try to use foods with 0-3 grams of fat per serving as a rule. On occasion (once weekly), you may have a small amount of the above.
- 12 helpful foods to lower cholesterol:
- Oat cereal
- Cereals containing flaxseed oil
- Whole grain cereals
- All fruits, especially currants, grapes, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, and apples.
- Pecan nuts, walnuts, olives, and soy nuts
- Dried or canned beans, peas, and lentils
- Corn, fresh, frozen, or canned
- Soy bean products
- All vegetables, especially onion, watercress, leeks, spinach, carrots, artichokes, avocados, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower
- A variety of flavorings, herbs, and spices, especially fresh garlic
- Lean meats and chicken
- Low-fat or non-fat yogurt
- 5 lifestyle changes to help lower cholesterol:
- Lose excess pounds
- Eat heart healthy foods
- Daily aerobic exercise
- Quit smoking
- Drink alcohol only in moderation